Tuesday 27 June 2017

10 Amazing Psychological Facts That Change The Way You See Things

Haven’t we all heard about thousands of psychological facts that can help us understand someone better or totally change the way we see the world or help us get close to someone or makes things easier for us. There are a lot and I mean when I say a lot of incredible psychological facts up on the web and we even hear it from people around us but how many of them do we actually follow? These psychological facts can help us be a better person and understand things in a much better way.

So let’s check out some of the amazing psychological facts that will change the world you see !!

1. "It usually takes up to 66 days to form and get rid of a habit" 

2. "Nodding your head while talking or asking a question will make the other person more inclined to agree with you"

3. "It’s advised to never announce your goals to people, as you may lose motivation and will be less likely to achieve it"

4. "Loving a person they are is not the same as loving an idealized or imaginary image"

5. "Ignorant people always believe they are more intelligent while smart and intelligent people tend to underestimate themselves"

6. "Getting someone to do a favor for you makes them like you more"

7. "The most important source of a child’s happiness is friends and family"

8. "While telling a lie adding an embarrassing detail will make the other people believe it"

9. "When a group of people laughs, you will automatically look at the person you feel closest to or like"

10. "Speaking in a calm and low voice while arguing with someone will help you dominate the opponent"

Via Sarcasm


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