Achievers are Dreamers We Become What We Think About

Thursday 30 November 2017

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is one of the first travel lists in history. The idea of creating a list of architectural wonders arose following Alexander the Great’s conquest of much of the known world in the 4th century BC, which gave Greek travelers access to the civilizations of the Egyptians, Persians, and Babylonians.
The Greek writers didn’t refer to these monuments as “Wonders” but rather as “top sights” or “things to be seen” (theamata). Each person had his own version of the Seven Wonders list. Some lists contain such ancient wonders as the Walls of Babylon and the Palace of Cyrus, King of Persia. The most famous lists of are those of Antipater of Sidon and Philon of Byzantium, both created in the 2nd century BC. 
Today, new seven world wonders lists are created all the time but these are the original wonders of the world.

7. Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was built between 353 and 350 BC for Mausolus, a governor in the Persian Empire. After Mausolus died Artemisia, his wife and sister, (a custom in the region to keep the power and the wealth in the family) decided to build him the most splendid tomb, a structure so famous that the word Mausolus’s name is now the eponym for all grand tombs, in the word mausoleum. The construction was also so beautiful and unique that Antipater of Sidon put it on his original wonders of the world list. Artemisia lived for only two years after the death of her husband. The urns with their ashes were placed in the yet unfinished tomb. The mausoleum was destroyed by a series of earthquakes in the 15th century. The remaining stones were used to built the massive Bodrum Castle.

6. Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek sculptor Phidias around 432 BC. The seated statue, some 12 meters (43 feet) tall, was so large that “if Zeus were to stand up he would hit the roof of the temple it was housed in”. The sculpture seated on a magnificent throne of cedarwood, inlaid with ivory, gold, ebony and precious stones. In Zeus’ right hand there was a small statue of a crowned Nike, goddess of victory, and in his left hand, a golden scepter on which an eagle perched. The circumstances of its eventual destruction are a source of debate: it was either carried off to Constantinople, where it was destroyed in a fire in 475 or the statue perished with the temple when it burned in 425.

5. Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built between 280 and 247 BC on an island at Alexandria to guide sailors into the harbor at night. Constructed from large blocks of light-colored stone, the lighthouse was made up of three stages: a lower square section with a central core, a middle octagonal section, and, at the top, a circular section. With a height estimated between 120 and 140 meters (390–460 ft), it was among the tallest structures on Earth for many centuries. The lighthouse was badly damaged by several earthquakes and disappeared completely in 1480, when the Sultan of Egypt built a fort on the site of the lighthouse, using some of the fallen stones. The name of the island that it was built on, Pharos, eventually became the Latin word for lighthouse.

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4. Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was a Greek temple dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of hunt, wild animals and a lot of other things. It took 120 years to built and was finally finished around 550 BC. Built of marble, it was the favorite wonder of Antipater of Sidon. A young man called Herostratus burned the temple down on July 21, 356 BC to achieve lasting fame. The outraged Ephesians sentenced Herostratus to death and forbade anyone from mentioning his name, which apparently didn’t work out very well. That very same night, Alexander the Great was supposedly born. The temple was restored, destroyed by the Goths, and restored again. In 401, the temple was finally destroyed by a mob led by the Archbishop of Constantinople.

3. Hanging Gardens 

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are the most mysteries of the seven wonders. Some historians even question whether the Hanging Gardens were an actual creation or a poetic creation due to the lack of documentation of them in the chronicles of Babylonian history. Supposedly , the gardens were built by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 BC. He is reported to have constructed the gardens to please his homesick wife who longed for the trees and plants of her homeland Persia. Diodorus Siculus described multi-leveled gardens reaching 22 meters (75 feet) high, complete with machinery for circulating water. The gardens were destroyed by several earthquakes after the second century BC.

2. Colossus of Rhodes

Built between 292 and 280 BC, the Colossus of Rhodes was a giant statue of the Greek god Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes. The Colossus was made of bronze and iron and stood over 30 meters (107 ft) high, making it one of the tallest statues of the ancient world. It was the last of the seven wonders to be completed but the first to be destroyed, by an earthquake in 226 BC. The statue snapped at the knees and fell over on to the land. The pharaoh of Egypt offered to pay for the reconstruction of the statue, but the oracle of Delphi made the Rhodians afraid that they had offended Helios, and they declined to rebuild it.

1. Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid wat Giza as built as a tomb for Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu over a 20-year period concluding around 2560 BC. It consists of an estimated 2.3 million limestone blocks transported from nearby quarries. The limestone blocks used for the casing was quarried across the river Nile. The gigantic granite stones found in the King’s chamber weigh 25 to 80 tons and were transported from Aswan, more than 500 miles away. At 146.5 meters (480.6 ft), the pyramid was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. The Great Pyramid at Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to have survived the wrath of time. Or, as an Arab proverb goes: “Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids.”

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colossus of rhodes, 7 wonders the ancient world

Monday 27 November 2017

Developing The Relationship - Story of Family Love and Relationship

Nita was recently married and had started living in a joint family with her husband and in-laws.  After a few days, she started to realize that she is not able to get along with her mother in law.  
Nita’s mother in law was conservative whereas Nita was liberal with modern lifestyle.  Soon they both started quarreling due to differences in opinions and lifestyle.
    As days and months passed, none of them changed their behavior.

Nita became very aggressive over the time and started to hate her mother in law.  She started to think about how to get rid of her mother in law.  Once, as usual, when she quarreled with her mother in law and her husband took his mother’s side, she became where angry and left to her father’s home.  Nita’s father was a chemist and she told him about everything that’s been happening.  Then she pleaded with her father that give her something poisonous, so she can mix it up and give it to her mother in law to get rid of her, else she won’t go back to her husband’s home.

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स्‍वस्‍थ रखेंगी ये 10 जड़ी-बूटियां

Nita’s father felt pity at her situation but told her, “If you give poison to your mother in law, you and I both will end up in jail.  It is not the right thing to do”.  But, Nita was in no mood to listen and understand.  Finally, her father gave in.  He told her, “Ok, as you wish but I don’t want to see you in jail, so do as I tell you”.  Nita agreed.  Her father brought a powder and told her, “Everyday when you make a lunch or dinner, just mix a little pinch of this powder in your mother in law’s meal, since the quantity will be less, she won’t die quickly but will slowly in few months and people will think she has died naturally”.

He also told her, “Because no one should have doubt on you, from today onwards, you will not fight at all with your mother in law but instead you will be very caring towards her, even if she says something which you don’t like, you will not be rude, you will simply be polite only”.  Nita agreed thinking she will be free from her mother in law’s quarreling in few months and came back to her in-laws and as advised by her father, she started mixing the powder in her mother in law’s meals and behaved very caring and polite whenever her mother in law said something.

As time started to pass, Nita’s mother in law’s nature also started to change.  Because Nita was being very caring towards her, she too started to be affectionate towards her.  Five months passed and Nita had been mixing the powder but atmosphere of the house was changed.  There were no quarrels, both were praising each while talking to neighbors.  They got very attached to each other like a mother and daughter.  Now, Nita started to get worried thinking due to the powder, her mother in law may die soon.

She ran at her father’s home and told him, “Dad!  Please give me the antidote to cure the effect of that poisonous powder you gave!  I don’t want to lose my mother in law, she is just like my mom and I love her very much”.  Her father smiled and said, “Which poison?  I had simply given you a sweetener!”
Moral:  Each person is different which may be due to their own circumstances.  This can often lead to many differences.  However, we must try to understand each other and adjust a little to make a healthy relationship with each other.  And, when such differences arise between persons, it is the duty of their loved ones to keep them calm and guide towards the right path.

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10 Herbs Can Protect You From Pollution - प्रदूषण में भी फेफड़ों को स्‍वस्‍थ रखेंगी ये 10 जड़ी-बूटियां

फेफड़ों का काम वातावरण से ऑक्‍सीजन लेना और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड को अवशोषित कर उसे वातावरण में छोड़ना है। साथ ही यह शुद्ध रक्त धमनी द्वारा दिल में पहुंचता है, जहां से यह फिर से शरीर के विभिन्न अवयवों में पम्प किया जाता है, इसलिए फेफड़ों का स्‍वस्‍थ रहना जरूरी है।

बहुत से हर्ब्‍स ऐसे है जिनके सेवन से फेफड़ों को स्‍वस्‍थ रखा जा सकता हैं। आगे के स्‍लाइड में उन्‍हीं के बारे में चर्चा की गई हैं।

मुनक्‍का  Munaka

मुनक्‍का के ताजे और साफ 15 दाने रात में 150 मिलीलिटर पानी में भिगो दें। सुबह बीज निकालकर फेंक दें। गूदे को खूब अच्‍छी तरह चबा-चबाकर खायें। बचे हुए पानी को पी लें। एक महीने तक इसका सेवन करने से फेफड़े मजबूत होते हैं।

शहद  Honey

रोजाना सुबह एक चम्‍मच शहद का सेवन करें। एक दो महीने तक इसका सेवन करने से फेफड़ों के रोग दूर होते हैं और फेफड़े मजबूत बनते हैं।

अंगूर  Grapes

अंगूर फेफड़े के सभी प्रकार के रोगों को दूर रखता है। खांसी और दमे जैसी बीमारियों में अंगूर कासेवन बहुत फायदा पहुंचाता है। हां अगर आपको डायबिटीज है तो इसका अधिक सेवन न करें।

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अंजीर  Figs

फेफड़े की परेशानियों को दूर करने में अंजीर काफी मदद करती है। 5 अंजीर को एक गिलास पानी में उबाल लीजिये। दिन में दो बार इसका सेवन करने से फेफड़ों की गंदगी साफ होती है और उन्‍हें शक्ति मिलती है।

लहसुन  Garlic

लहसुन को कफनाशक समझा जाता है। भोजन के बाद लहसुन का सेवन करने से छाती साफ रहती है और कई रोगों से रक्षा होती है।

मुलहठी  Mulhathi

खांसी और खराश में मुलहठी के फायदे आप जानते ही हैं। यह फेफड़ों के लिए बहुत लाभदायक होती है। पान में डालकर मुलहठी का सेवन करने से कफ नाश होता है।

तुलसी  Basil

तुलसी के सूखे पत्‍ते, कत्‍था, कपूर और इलायची समान मात्रा में ले ल‍ीजिए। इसमें नौ गुना चीनी मिलाकर बराबर मात्रा में पीस लें। इस मिश्रण की चुटकी भर मात्रा दिन में दो बार खायें। इससे फेफड़ों में जमा कफ निकल जाता है।

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एचिनासा Echinacea

एचिनासा एक एंटी माइक्रोबियल हर्ब है। जो रोगों से लड़ने के लिए जाना जाता है और शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत बनाता है। एचिनासा सफेद रक्त कोशिका के उत्पादन द्वारा काम करता है।

शहतूत के पत्‍ते  Mulberry Leaves

शहतूत के पत्‍ते चबाने से फेफड़ों के रोग, फेफड़ों की जलन, सिरदर्द और खांसी आदि दूर होती है।

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Saturday 25 November 2017

Young Man in the Plane-Short Moral Story on Loyalty

Once a Sikh young man was traveling in first class of an airline. After flight took off, air hostess came to him and offered him complimentary drinks as per airlines guidelines.

Air hostess bought an alcohol drink, young man refused for that drink. Air hostess returned with that drink to her kitchen. After sometime she came back with another alcohol drink better looking than drink she had before.

Young man declined politely again for the drink. Air hostess felt surprised and bit troubled by this.

Air hostess took it to pride and wasn’t able to accept no for service and drink offered to young man. So, Just after a while she came back with more decorated drink and presented it to young man but again young man refused.

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Air hostess asked, “Sir, you feel a lack of service in the bid that due to which you are not drinking? This is complimentary..”

Young man replied, “I am follower of Satguru and i don’t drink alcoholic drinks.”

Air hostess still insisted him to take drink.

Young man replied, “Ok, if you insist so much i will drink but only on one condition, first ask your pilot to have this drink.. only then i will accept..”

Air hostess looked at him and with hesitation replied, “But sir he is on duty and if he drinks it then there is chance of plane crash..”

Young man smiled and replied, “As your pilot can’t drink on duty.. similarly is with me.. I am always on duty and my duty is that I have to adhere to the words of my guru, as if your pilot is to save the plane in every situation, in the same way I have to save my faith.”
Air hostess felt ashamed for her behavior and apologized.

10 Largest Countries In The World

The worlds largest nations, measured in square kilometers of land area.
From Cape Horn all the way to the Arctic Circle, the world’s largest countries provide a beautiful snapshot of the variety of geography, climate and wildlife on the planet. Collectively, the world’s largest countries contain rainforest and tundra, mountains and valleys, coastline and desert.
As this we explore the largest nations, we visit five different continents, some of the world’s most spectacular geography, and every type of climate imaginable.
Excitingly, it’s always changing, too: history has taught that geopolitical boundaries shift dramatically as centuries pass. In the next decades, who’s to say which countries will become the world’s largest?
When 11.5 percent of all the land in the entire world is claimed by just one country, it’s not surprising to learn that the tenth largest country (Algeria) could fit into the largest (Russia) seven times over. When all 10 of the world's largest countries are taken together, they total 49% of the earth's entire 149 million square kilometres of land.

10 – Algeria

                       The Algerian Sahara, the largest expanse of Saharan desert

Algeria, at 2.38 million square kilometers, is the tenth-largest country in the world by area and the only African country in the top 10.
Situated in Northern Africa, Algeria has a Mediterranean coastline 998 km long. 90 percent of the country is desert, and much of its desert regions are highly elevated. The Tell Atlas mountain range runs along the country’s northern border, while the interior, much of it hundreds of meters above sea level, contains the Algerian portion of the Sahara desert. The massive Algerian Sahara extends all the way to the south of the country past its borders with Niger and Mali.

9 – Kazakhstan

                             Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country

Kazakhstan’s 2.72 million square kilometers stretch over vast plains and highlands. A cool and dry, but not quite desert-like, climate prevails for most of the year. Kazakhstanis experience a great range of temperatures throughout the year, though it doesn’t get as cold in Kazakhstan as it does in parts of its northern neighbor, Russia.
Formerly part of the USSR, the largest nation in the world for most of the 20th century, Kazakhstan’s current main claim to fame is its status as the largest landlocked country in the world—and the only landlocked country in the top 10.

8 – Argentina

                                     Mount Fitz Roy in Patagonia, Argentina

Argentina, the world’s 32nd most populous country, is the world’s eighth largest, and the largest Spanish-speaking nation in the world by area. Its 2.78 million square kilometers include some of the most varied geography and climate in the world.
Swampy, tropical conditions in the very north give way to freezing glacial regions in the south. Patagonia, one of the most spectacular and dangerous places on the planet, stretches from the southern Andes in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east. The southern tip of Argentina, known as Cape Horn, is one of the stormiest locations on the globe.

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7 – India

India is the second largest nation in terms of population, and seventh largest in terms of area
India’s boundaries have changed quite a few times over the past century, and even still, India claims that the northern region of Kashmir (an area disputed with Pakistan) belongs under Indian control completely. As it stands, without Kashmir, India’s territory stretches for 3.29 million square kilometers.
China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal each share a border with India, and its geography ranges from the majestic Himalayan Mountains to the tropical shores of the southern peninsula. Geologically, India is found on it’s own subcontinent, and geological studies show that this whole nation and it’s close neighbours were at one time separated from Asia by a sea.

6 – Australia

                               The Twelve Apostles, Victoria State, Australia

The approximately 4.4 million square kilometer difference between Australia and India represents the second-largest size difference between countries ranked consecutively in the top 10. Australia, at around 7.69 million square kilometers, is over twice the size of India.
It’s the largest country in Oceania by far. Technically it is so large that it doesn’t even qualify as an island, it is a continental landmass.
The vast majority of its population live in coastal cities like Sydney in the east and Perth in the west, and with good reason: the Australian Outback is one of the world’s driest and hottest regions. Along with extreme climate and geography, Australia is known for its spectacular—and often deadly—wildlife.

5 – Brazil

The largest country in South America at over 8.51 million square kilometers, Brazil plays home to much of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon. The Amazon is so dense and vast that explorers and scientists have found human civilizations that had never made contact with the outside world.
Brazil also has a lengthy Atlantic coastline on the eastern side, which stretches approximately 8,000 km. Most of its major cities, including Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo exist near the coastline.

4 – People’s Republic of China

China, the United States of America, and Canada each occupy just under seven percent of the globe’s surface. Of these three, China is the smallest—just barely—at approximately 9.6 million square kilometers. It shares a border with 14 different countries, including Afghanistan to the east, Russia to the north, and Vietnam to the south.
Its climate and its people vary dramatically. In the north, temperatures drop to subarctic levels, the center of the nation holds the Gobi, the world’s 4th largest desert, and in the south temperatures reach tropical levels regularly. With over 1.35 billion citizens, China is home to 56 recognized ethnic groups, has the world’s 18th largest Muslim population, the 19th largest Christian population, and with 1.9 doctors per 1000 people, China has more doctors than the entire population of Qatar.

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3 – United States of America

                  Long meandering rivers of North Dakota cut through plains and canyons

The United States, just bigger than China but slightly smaller than Canada, occupies 9.63 million square kilometers. Bordered by Mexico to the south, and Canada to the north, the United States is home to a diverse array of geography and wildlife.
Two North-South features split the nation into three distinct pieces. West of the Rocky Mountains, the Pacific states are known for year round temperate weather and long expanses of beach along the California coast. Sandwiched between the Rockies and the Mississippi River, the great plains stretch from Canada to Mexico, giving the United States one of the world's most fertile growing areas. Lastly, the third of the nation east of the Mississippi is the industrial and economic hub of America, with major cities spread all along the Eastern seaboard.

2 – Canada

                         The vast wilderness of Canada is popular for outdoor activity

Canada’s 9.984 million square kilometers make it the largest country in the western hemisphere, and its 202,080 kilometer coastline means that it has a longer shoreline than any other nation. With a population density of 4 people per square kilometer, this means that each of Canada's 35 million people could have 61 acres for themselves.
Positioned between the Arctic and the United States, Canada’s massive frozen tundra extends into the Arctic Circle. Split similar to the USA; in the western half of the country, the Rocky Mountains run north to south, and prairies provide huge grain and canola growing areas. Eastern Canada is the traditional heart of the nation, with Toronto, Montreal, and the national capital of Ottawa, all located in the East.

1 – Russia

                       The Trans-Siberian Railroad is the world's longest railroad

Russia’s 17.1 million square kilometres easily make it the world’s largest by area. In fact, if Russia were to lop off 7 million square kilometers, it would still be the largest—and the lopped-off section would rank seventh overall!
Like China, Russia borders 14 different countries. Unlike China, none of Russia is tropical, though humid summers prevail in much of southern Russia. The Taiga, the world’s largest terrestrial biome, extends all the way from Eastern Canada throughout the vast majority of northern Russia. Massive oil reserves exist underneath Russia’s frozen forests and tundra; however, due to the expense and difficulty of extracting it, much of Russia’s oil wealth remains untapped.

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