Achievers are Dreamers We Become What We Think About

Monday 30 October 2017

6 Hidden Trends of The Youngest Millionaires

Being a millionaire is very rare in our society. Many work their whole lives and never reach that status. Of course, they’ll validate that any way they can, saying things like “I don’t care about money,” “Millionaires aren’t happy,” “I don’t need that much money.”

I’m sure you can think of 30 other validations. You don’t make a million by accident, and if it’s not a goal you sure as hell won’t hit it.

This article isn’t about the money, it’s about interrupting the belief system you currently have and propelling you toward real wealth. Here is what I’ve discovered over the past 10 years and the common themes you’ll see in all Young Millionaires.

1. Urgency

The best companies on the planet love young talent, they love those who are on purpose, and those with a sense of urgency to their life. Google is hiring more teenagers than college graduates, and even a 12-year-old who is just beginning high school.

Realize, now matters more than any other time, and the “someday isle” mentality is killing so many dreams. Opportunities are only opportunities if you’re taking full advantage of them. Young millionaires always do, and they are consistently reaching for new goals and ambitions. You must have a sense of urgency that most of society doesn’t have if you’re serious about success.

2. Elevated influence

Behind every young millionaire you’ll find an educated and wise mentor. I have yet to meet any millionaires or billionaires who don’t have mentors that guide them, challenge them, and focus them on thinking bigger. They understand deep down that it’s impossible to grow, learn, and become the person needed to reach the million mark without an exceptional network behind you.

Success rises and falls on who you associate with so make sure you stay aware of your surroundings. You can systematize a lot of things, but you can’t systematize time so make sure you’re always spending it with the right people.

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3. Maximizing their strengths

We’re conditioned by our teachers, peers, parents, uneducated coaches and everybody else pumped to give advice that you must “learn to work on your weaknesses,” and “strengthen your weaknesses,” but all young millionaires focus 100 percent on their best skills and strengths. They learn to surround themselves with people who compliment their weaknesses, or they delegate them. You’ll never get wealthy focusing on things you aren’t good at. What is your one thing? What can you become the best at?

Now, once you master that area, and start producing real results, you can then move to something else. The jack of all trades is seldom exceptional at anything, and usually broke as well.

4. Never trade time for money

Young Millionaires realize they’ll never become wealthy trading time for money, and neither will you. It’s ok for awhile, but at some point you have to focus on scaling and leverage.

One of the reasons entrepreneurship, network marketing, direct sales and internet businesses are growing exponentially is because of the endless possibilities and upside. It’s not easy, and it takes risk, but you must see past the risk and focus on the rewards. Focus on the power of leverage and how to create consistent income without trading time for money. Investment properties, membership sites, building a brand, partnerships, affiliate marketing, different types of programs, etc.

Take some time to really analyze if you’re maximizing your time. If you are trading time for money make sure it’s an  intelligent trade.

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5.They don’t worry what others think of them

You must drop the need to be liked if you want an extraordinary life. People who care what others think of them will always be limited to others opinions. You best believe Young Millionaires take very few opinions and have extremely thick skin. They study how to be mentally tough.

When you pursue greatness don’t expect others to support you, because you’ll represent the courage, strength, and vision they don’t yet have. The remarkable innovator, Steve Jobs use to say “your time is limited so don’t waste it living somebody else’s life.”

Young Millionaires trust their vision, and have an unshakable confidence in what they do, even when everyone else is doubting it. I challenge you to stay fearless in everything you do. The reason most don’t take risks, live on the edge or push the envelope is the fear of what others might think of them. If you want to live the life you truly deserve, one of significance and fulfillment you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.

6. Producer first, consumer second

MJ Demarco in “The Millionaire Fast Lane,” talks about the importance of being a producer first, and a consumer second.

Here is an excerpt: “Applied, this means instead of buying products on TV, sell products. Instead of digging for gold, sell shovels. Instead of taking a class, offer a class. Instead of borrowing money, lend it. Instead of taking a job, hire for jobs. Instead of taking a mortgage, hold a mortgage. Break free from consumption, switch sides, and reorient to the world as producer. To consume richly, produce richly first. Unfortunately, most people have it backward: consumption and no production. Producers get rich. Consumers get poor. Switch teams and reorient as a producer first, a consumer second. Make wealth attracted to you!”

Those focused on building something bigger than themselves, and those on purpose, are always producing results, not consuming.

I challenge you to take these serious and become more intentional in all you do.
Most people spend the first half of their lives saying they are too young, and the second half saying they’re too old. The time is now, and there is no tomorrow for champions. This is the greatest time in human history for those who take 100 percent responsibility for their economic well being.
Respect to you and the progress you’re making towards a world class life.

Saturday 28 October 2017

Beautiful Bed Room Idea for your Dream Home (IV)

Bed Room is a place where you can feel yourself re-energetic, comfort and refresh with deep rest and sleep.Here is some Beautiful Bed Room ideas for your Dream Home.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

5 Reasons You Should Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Do you often find that you’re comparing yourself to others? Perhaps to a family member, a close friend, or someone famous on social media? If the answer is yes, then welcome to the club. The sad truth is that it’s the reality for too many of us.
Social comparison starts at a very early age. Children discover very quickly that not everyone lives the same life or has the same opportunity as them. They see how some friends have more toys or better clothes, or live in nicer houses. As these children grow older and become teenagers, the comparing doesn’t stop. It often intensifies and turns into negative self-talk. Thoughts like “I’m not good enough,” “I can’t do anything right,” or “I’ll never make it” slowly start creeping into their minds. This kind of gloomy thinking causes them to develop anxiety and depression-like impulses, which may continue well into their adulthood years.
5 Reasons You Should Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.
– Steven Furtick

If you’re guilty of often comparing yourself to others, here’s why you need to stop right now.

1.Comparison is the thief of joy

I’m sure you’ve heard this saying a million times, but it’s very important to reiterate it. Comparing yourself to others only makes your life difficult and brings you misery and pain. Instead, try using others as motivation to work harder and do better.

2.Comparison will stall your progress

If you spend your days comparing yourself to other people’s achievements, you’ll never get anything accomplished. You must invest all your energy into pursuing your own dreams and goals. Don’t waste your precious time on those of others.

3.You can’t physically change who you are

You are you. You’ll always be you. You’ll never be anyone else. And although it might be hard to believe for some of us, this is actually a good thing. To explain why, here’s my favorite quote from author Jen Sincero:

There will never be anyone exactly like you. You were given special gifts and talents to share with the world, and even though everybody has special gifts and talents, nobody will use theirs quite the same way you do.
– Jen Sincero

So start believing in the value of your uniqueness!

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» How to Be Thankful
» Value

4.No one has a perfect life

Although you might think that a lot of people are leading an amazing life with no down sides, know that this isn’t true. Every single person on this Earth experiences problems and challenges throughout their lives. No one is exempt from this. Some people are just better at keeping it together, at least on the outside. So next time you compare yourself to your friend or neighbor, remember that you probably do not know every detail about their life.

5.There will always be someone better than you at something

I know this last point might seem a little harsh, but it’s the reality. So the sooner you accept it, the happier you’ll be. I remember, when I was younger, I would cry my eyes out every time my best friend got a better grade than me. So to soothe me, my dad would say, “There will always be someone better than you at one point in your life.” At first, I didn’t really understand where he was going with it and frankly, it left me with even more pain. But as I grew older, I realized he was right. At some point in your life, someone will beat you to whatever it is you’re after. You can’t always win at everything in life. All you have to do is work hard and try your best, and whatever is meant to be will fall into place for you at the right moment.

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nce and comparing

Monday 23 October 2017

Keep Away Old Ageing - बुढ़ापा से रहना है दूर तो रोजाना खाएं ये 5 तरह के फूड!

बुढ़ा होना एक नेचुरल प्रक्रिया है, जिसे आने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता है, लेकिन जीवन में मिलने वाली तमाम तरह की चुनौतियों से लड़ते-लड़ते इंसान कितनी जल्‍दी बूढ़ा हो जाता है, ये बात वह खुद भी नहीं समझ पाता है। चेहरे पर झुर्रियां, आंखों के नीचे कालापन, बालों का रूखा होना जैसी चीजें दिखाती हैं कि आप बूढ़े होने लगे हैं। ऐसे में हमारा खानपान बेहतर होना बहुत जरूरी है। हम आपको ऐसे फूड के बारे में बता रहे हैं, जिसके सेवन से बुढ़ापा जल्‍दी नहीं आएगा।

1.टमाटर और तरबूज

टमाटर और तरबूज लाइकोपेन के समृद्ध स्रोत के रूप में जाने जाते हैं। लाइकोपेन फ्री रेडिकल्स को न्यूट्रिलाइज करता हुआ उनका सामना करता है और विशेष तरह के कैंसर होने के चांस भी घटाता है। एन्टिऑक्सीडेंट्स की मौजूदगी त्वचा को सन डैमेज से सुरक्षित रखती है। पकाये गये टमाटर बेहतर विकल्प हैं क्योंकि गर्म होने के कारण शरीर में अधिक एन्टिऑक्सीडेंट्स मिलते हैं। टमाटर का जूस और कच्चे टमाटर भी अच्छे स्रोत हैं।

2.लहसुन और सब्जियां

लहसुन और दूसरी सब्जियां जैसे प्याज, लीक्स और शैलॉट्स में एलियम होता है जो फ्री रेडिकल्स का सामना करने का ताकतवर हथियार है। ये न केवल एजिंग का सामना करते हैं बल्कि शरीर के इम्यून सिस्टम की मज़बूती भी बढ़ाते हैं।

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बेरीज जैसे कि ब्ल्यूबेरीज, स्ट्रॉबेरीज, ब्लैकबेरीज, चेरीज और पॉमग्रेनेट एन्टिऑक्सीडेंट्स से भरपूर होते हैं। गहरे रंगों वाले फल और सब्जियों में एन्टिऑक्सीडेंट कैमिकल्स सुरक्षित रहते हैं।


सभी तरह की बीन्स, रेड, ब्लैक, किडनी, एन्टिऑक्सीडेंट्स का समृद्ध स्रोत हैं। सोयाबीन्स में आईसोफ्लेवन्स होता है जिसमें एन्टि-एजिंग गुण होते हैं। ये कैंसर, बैड कोलेस्ट्रॉल और ऑस्टियोपोरोसिस की रोकथाम में सहायक होते हैं।


नट्स में स्वास्थ्यवर्धक फैट होते हैं जो इलास्टिन और कोलेजेन का लाभ देते हुए (त्वचा में पाये जाने वाले प्रोटीन) त्वचा की नमी बरकरार रखते हैं। एक मुट्ठी नट्स रोज लेने से आपको ज़रूरी एन्टिऑक्सीडेंट्स मिल जाते हैं। कम मात्रा में लेने की सलाह दी जाती है क्योंोकि नट्स में काफी कैलोरी होती है।

Tuesday 17 October 2017

The Top 10 Entrepreneur Teenagers Who Made Millions

It seems a lot more people are joining the growing list of teenage millionaires nowadays. In fact, these young millionaires made their first million dollars before reaching the age of 20. This goes to show that age really is just a number and that anything is possible.
Below is a list of those who made their first million during their teenage years, how they made it and a figure of their current net worth.

10 Teenage Entrepreneur Millionaires

1.Adam Hildreth

In 1999, at only fourteen years old, Adam Hildreth together with his six friends launched the famous English social networking site Dubit. Dubit became one of the most popular websites in 2004. By 2005, Dubit had a net worth of more than 3.7 million dollars. Adam later founded Crisp thinking, which developed software that protected people from online predators, online harassment and spamming. He is ranked 23 in the top 100 richest young people in the UK according to the 2011 Sunday times rich list.
Adam Hildreth is estimated to have a net worth of 38 million dollars.

2.Sean Belnick

When he was only 14 years old, Sean Belnick created, an internet retailer for all types of furniture. Sean Belnick began with an initial investment of 500 dollars and ran his business operaions from his bedroom. In 2004, he moved into his first warehouse and by 2009, he had more than 702,000 square feet of warehouse space from the initial 40,00 square feet. In 2010, bizchair had sales of more than 58 million dollars.
Sean Belnick’s net worth is reported to be 42 million dollars

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3.Fraser Doherty

Teenage Millionaire - Fraser DohertyFraser Doherty is the CEO of Super Jam. This Scottish young star was taught jam making by his grandmother when he was 14 years old. He started producing jam and selling it in the neighbourhood. He left school at the age of 16 to fully concentrate on super jam. In 2007, he began supplying super jam to 184 Waitrose stores. Nowadays Fraser Doherty currently supplies to all major UK stores and had sales of over 1.2 million dollars in 2011.
Fraser Doherty is worth 2 million dollars.

4.Cameron Johnson

Teenage Millionaire - Cameron JohnsonIn 1994, at only nine years of age, Cameron Johnson began making money by selling invitation cards. By eleven years old he had saved up enough money to form his company, Cheers and Tears. Cameron then participated in several ventures including creating EZ mail, an email forwarding software,, an online advertising company. By fifteen years old, he was receiving monthly cheques of up to 400,000 dollars.
Cameron Johnson’s net worth is currently 3.2 million.

5.Ashley Qualls

Teenage-Millionaire---Ashley-Qualls-whateverlifeAshley Qualls is an America entrepreneur who made her first million at the age of seventeen. She did this by taking an 8 dollar loan from her mother and creating a website, in 2004.The website focused on providing HTML tutorials for young people and providing free My space layouts.
Ashley Qualls is valued to have a net worth of 8 million dollars.

6.Chris Phillips

Chris PhillipsChris Phillips made his first million when he was only 17 years old through dot5hosting. This website was used to register domain names, supply hosting space and hosting several e-commerce sites. By the time he was 19 years old, this British teenager was making over 10 million dollars annually.
Dot5hosting currently has a net worth of 2 million dollars.

7.Juliette Brindak

Teenage Millionaire - Juliette BrindakJuliette made her millions after launching the website Miss O and Friends when she was still only 10 years old. The site, which targets mostly teenage girls, is filled with celebrity gossip, games, quizzes and lots of feature articles. She has also launched a line of Miss O and friends books.
Juliette Brindak is currently the CEO and editor of her site and book line and has a networth of 15 Millions Dollars.

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8.Catherine and David Cook

Teenage Millionaire - Catherine and David CookAt only fifteen and seventeen years respectively, Catherine and David Cook came up with the social networking site, My Yearbook in 2005. The site has over 5 million users and has survived the Facebook domination.
My Yearbook has a net worth of over 20 million dollars whereas this brother and sister duo have a combined net worth of 10 million dollars.

9.Tyler Dikman

When the internet was still picking up, Tyler Dikman who was only 15 years old founded Cooltronics in the year 2000. Cooltronics’ main purpose was to provide lessons to computer and internet users on how to get rid of computer viruses and how to upgrade your home PC. Subscriptions and advertising brought in the dollars for this lucky little man.
Tyler Dikman is currently valued to be worth 3.7 million dollars.

10.Farrah Gray

Teenage Millionaire - Farrah GrayFarrah Gray started selling body lotion at the age of 6. At 13 years old he founded Farr-Out Food which in a period of one year had received food orders of over 1.5 million dollars making him a millionaire at 14.
