Thursday 5 April 2018

The 6 Elements of All 6-Figure Earners

Learning how to make 6 Figure income a month is a dream for many — but is entirely attainable. It’s easy to identify what differentiates the “mediocre” entrepreneurs from the ultra-successful ones. But merely identifying these elements is not even half the battle. You must execute upon them! 
Your ability to change your business—and your life for that matter—begins in the mind. Once you set your goals, focus upon and you start to take the necessary actions that will turn your dreams into reality. However, this is where most entrepreneurs fail. They learn what steps are necessary, mentally prepare to take those steps, but ultimately fail to take action.

Let’s face it, life is a game . In order to play a successful game in the new economy, you need to train your mind to become a 6-figure earner. It is now time for you to develop your brand new strategy that incorporates these 6 crucial elements to help you start taking the actions necessary to become a 6-figure earner.

1.Compelling Vision and Set Specific Goals
Create a vision so inspiring, you can’t stop thinking about it. In fact, make it so inspiring it keeps you wide awake at night. Keep your daily focus and thoughts on achieving this vision. Once you have truly sold yourself on your vision that is when the magic starts to happen.

Write down your goals by creating a specific plan inclusive of the exact dates each one will be achieved. Remember, your vision should resonate with your true passions and must be so compelling that it drives you to action each and every day. Once you have this clear vision in mind, everything else will start falling in place naturally.  

2.Sense of Urgency
Once you have your compelling vision, this should come naturally, but cannot be overstated—do EVERYTHING with a sense of urgency. From taking phone calls to making decisions to creating products and services, if it can be done today, get it done.

Too many people wait on the sidelines to make a decision or make a move. What the hell are you waiting for?  The time will NEVER be just right. Super successful entrepreneurs are always thinking and doing actions that are two steps ahead of their competition. If you are not moving with urgency then you are already ten steps behind.

“Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.” – Jim Rohn

3.Multiple Income Streams
You have your vision and your sense of urgency, now apply that to everything. Not just to your one big idea but to every idea you have. This is where the fun begins. I have to tell you that it is absolutely incredible the number of entrepreneurs I have met that have built not one but multiple successful businesses in less than 12 months and you can too.

Remember, the golden rule in business: “Cashflow is King”. The average millionaire has seven different streams of income. The key is to master one, before you start another.

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4.Strong Teachability and Strong Positive Mental Attitude
Six Figure Earners are willing to change and to adopt. They have the ability to listen. If it is not working change your approach. Go get the skills that you may be missing. Always be teachable.

They live a life of faith. Our words are also creating so you must guard your words. Watch what you are reading. Watch your post on social media, make sure that your words are encouraging uplifting. Use the power of spoken words. Always speek possitivly 

5.Strong Work Ethic & Leadership Skills
Six Figure Earners have a strong mental attitude. They are able to stay focused for long periods of time. Six Income earners have a habit of sticking to the task at hand until the job is done ! They always focus on "Just Do It"

Six Figure Earner put people first, they treat people good and they nurture their relationships and never ever take advantage of people to get where you are going. They always maintain good relationship with thier team. Wealthy, successful people are very particular about who they associate with. Their goal is to develop and foster relationships with other success-minded individuals. Treat people the way they want to be treated.

6.Strong Personal Development Regiment 

Six Figure Earners place a strong premium on personal development. Make sure every day that you have some kind of personal development going into your mind—something that is helping you to grow. Six Figure Earners listen to audio, they pay attention to what they read, they get excited in replaying audio. Wealthy people make room in their lives for growth.

If you are serious and committed to your success, your next hour, next day, next week, next month, next year, next decade will be focused on these 6 elements.


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